This is information on how to upgrade from Google WiFi to Nest WiFi, as well as use them together on the same network.

I have Google WiFi in my house. I wanted to upgrade to Nest WiFi because Google WiFi is Generation 1, and Nest WiFi is Generation 2. In other words, Google WiFi is “old and broken”, and Nest WiFi is “the new hotness”. However, Google WiFi is still very useful, and they can both work together on the same network.

Here’s some information I collected along the way.

Topic Links, Info, etc.

Google WiFi [Google Store]

Nest Wifi [Google Store]

Where to place Nest and Google WiFi Routers and their access points

Where to place your Wifi devices [Google Support]

Using both Google Nest Wifi and Google Wifi

Nest WiFi vs. Google WiFi [Android Central]

Use Google Nest Wifi and Google Wifi devices on the same network [Google Support]

Using Both On Same Network [Android Police]

Bridge Mode

Bridge Mode [Google Support]